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One of the episodes of the "Real American" series. Based on live interviews with Americans and Canadians. Real American consists of three interactive English language programs based on live interviews with native speakers from the USA and Canada: Real American / Frankly Speaking, Real American / Discovering the World, Real American / Building Career & Business .

The course is intended for intermediate and advanced English-speaking users who need to improve their speaking and listening skills in fluent speech. The course is also recommended for students who master the profession of interpreter. The program has four operating modes (from "Intermediate" to "Advanced").

The Real American series is based on genuine live interviews with native speakers from the US and Canada. The total duration of the interview in all three issues is over two hours, the voices of ten native speakers sound. The interviewer was answered by people of different ages, different occupations (high school student, students, teachers, political scientist ...) who have their own individual style of speech, which varies in difficulty of listening. The interlocutors were frank in front of the microphone. The conversation went around genuine events, people, circumstances. Interview topics are not limited to traditional “topics” from the school. For example, Robert Remple talks about his service in a submarine, Marina Jashi talks about what a person experiences in an unfamiliar cultural environment (Marina taught English for a year in Japan).

Note: The manual consists of 14 very extensive stories about yourself in the form of interviews. Here you have mp3 files from 2 CDs and a book consisting of parallel texts. As you yourself understand, three options can come out of this: just listen to the text and try to understand, listen and look only at the English text (the viewing window can be moved so that the Russian text is closed), or we look immediately at the text and translation.

Book + Audio
